Here's the latest LSJL method I'm experimenting for legs. Load in the connection between the tibia and femur rather than each individually. Load for five minutes, I might go up to six minutes as that's when the pressure really gets up. Rotate slow and steady and make sure to keep your leg as straight as possible. If you slip, then unclamp and take 30 seconds off the time and reclamp again. Place the clamp so your fibula is not in the way.
For ankle, I use the quick grip manual clamp. Again make sure the fibula is not in the way. Load where the calcaneus connects the tibia. Your arm strength is a limiting factor so the ratchet clamp may end up being better but the irwin quick grip has several advantages mainly that your ankle is farther away from the leg and with the quick grip you can bring the ankle closer to you. Again 5 minutes, make sure to keep trying to apply more pressure use two hands to get more. If your arms are too weak use the other clamp but again clamp at the intersection of the tibia and talus and not at the tibia. The clamping could actually be higher up than is pictured.
Four methods are covered within: Tapping, dumbell, machines, and table clamp. A list of the best method for each bone is covered at the bottom. Read this information about growing taller to learn more about LSJL and how it works. Previously, I did about 30 taps with a 10lbs dumbell, 30 seconds with a 75lbs dumbell, and 30 seconds using the table clamp on the epiphysis of all the bones. Right now, I am doing no taps and am doing 30 seconds with a 65 lbs dumbell(because that's the dumbell with the best shape) as sort of a warm up). Now I'm clamping everything for one minute 30 seconds flexing the surrounding muscles as hard as I can concurrently with clamping(flexing increases hydrostatic pressure). Here's the areas to put the clamp on. A clamp is this:Advanced Tool Design Model ATD-5315 6
You can perform taps on the epiphysis 30 times 4 hours separated by LSJL. You can also perform LIPUS on the epiphysis(here's a LIPUS machine:(ReliaMed Portable Ultrasound
Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields may also help(chondrocytes and ions like calcium plus sodium have charges). An example machine is: (Sota Magnetic Pulse Therapy Generator
Microgravity has been shown to enhance chondrogenesis and may also help LSJL. An inversion table may give you some of the benefits of microgravity: (Teeter Inversion Vibration Cushion w/ Infrared Heat
I use a 6 inch C class clamp for my legs and an Irwin Quick Grip(Quick-Grip 546 Mini Bar Clamp

Now for the knee, you want to do one clamping session for the tibia and one clamping session for the femur. For the tibia I like to focus most of the pressure on the inner part of the knee so that the end of the fibula doesn't get in the way. Make sure the clamp doesn't slip off. Repeat for the femur.
The wrists are kind of hard as it is really easy to slip off but I'm working on my technique. As for the elbow, put the majority of the pressure on the bump on the inner part of the elbow. Again, very hard to prevent slippage. But keep practicing. You can also try to do the shoulder too to get the clavicle but that is hard to perform on yourself.
You do not need to know anatomy to perform this routine but you definitely need to know where your long bones begin and end as we are targeting the epiphysis of these bones as they contain the red bone marrow stem cells we covet. So before you begin any exercise I'd recommend feeling around your synovial joint areas to see where your bones begin and end.
Anyone with a gym containing the necessary machines should be able to perform the routine. However, barring that you can also load the ends of your long bones with a dumbell. The dumbell should have a flat end like this
so that the weight distributes evenly over your bones if you are for example loading your elbow or knee. You should control the dumbell from the shaft with your hands or hands(can't use more than one hand if you have a dumbell on your elbow) this allows you to both stabilize the dumbell around the synovial joint area and to exert more force on the end of the long bone. I used to think you should control the dumbell from the top but now you should hold it from the shaft and push down on the targeted epiphysis of the bone(s) as hard as you can.
If you have questions about how to perform LSJL with a dumbell you can contact me on the contact page or use the same contact info to get in touch with me on MSN. Please leave a comment with any experiences you have with LSJL.
Pec Deck regular. Click on the picture to enlarge. Adjust the arms of the machine so they are close to 180 degrees. Adjust your elbow so as much of the load is at the side of the elbow(lateral to the elbow) as possible. Perform a partial(enough for the stack to lift the ground but still pretty close to 170-180degrees). Hold for at least 60 seconds(You can hold for fewer seconds as you get more experienced but now you want to experiment on how to maximize the load on your elbow). You may use as much body english as you want as long as the load is lateral to the elbow. Perform one elbow at a time.
You want to rotate your elbow inward(hand towards your bicep) and flex your arm muscles. Hold it in this position as you perform the exercise. This helps level the bones, tendons, and ligaments in the elbow and allows for a better distribution of load. You also want to use your free hand to push the pad into the bones surrounding your elbow. There is a part of the humerus bone that sticks out so you might not be able to get both the humerus and the ulna with this exercise. However, you can get the ulna when doing your wrists.
Reverse pec deck. Get as much of the load on your elbow as possible. Contract. Hold for 60 seconds.
Rotate your hand outward(away from your bicep) and hold it in it's rotated state while performing the exercise. You should try to cross your arm over and push the pad into the targeted bone area. You are trying to get both the humerus and radius at the same time.
Hip adductor. Adjust levers to 180 degrees. Try to get as much load on the epiphysis' of your tibia and femur as you can. Do a partial. Hold for 60 seconds.
Point your foot inward. Use your free hands to push the pad into the ends of your bones.
Hip abductor. Adjust levers to 90 degrees. Get as much load on the epiphysis of your tibia and femur as possible. You may also be able to get load on your fibula as well but if you can't when you do your ankles you'll cover that bone. Do a small partial. Hold for 60 seconds, repeat for other leg.
Your foot should be pointed outward.
The routine:Start out by using enough weight so that the load is at least moderately challenging.
Right Arm Pec Deck-60secs
Left Arm Pec Deck-60 secs
Right Arm Reverse Pec Deck-60secs
Left Arm Reverse Pec Deck-60secs
Right Leg Hip Abduction-60secs
Left Leg Hip Abduction-60secs
Right Leg Hip Adduction-60secs
Left Leg Hip Adduction-60secs
Read information here about the possible importance of limb alternating.
Remember to experiment and feel where the load is best distributed to maximize the load on the ends of your bones. Once you have the principals done to these exercises, those principals can then be used for other exercises such as the ankle, wrists, etc.
Here's the dumbell version. I had to support the weight in odd ways in order to get a good camera angle. The weight used is ten pounds but I'd recommend at least 20. Remember to experiment with wrist and ankle flexion to get more of the load on the bone rather than tendons/ligaments.
You can also try tapping the ends of your bones. Tapping also increases interstitial fluid flow and causes microfractures in the epiphyseal trabecular bone which releases stem cells. You may feel some pain if you accidentally tap a ligament however your ligaments will adapt and you will get better at targeting the ends of your bones. You can tap your wrists, ankles, end of tibia around the knee, end of fibula around the knee, end of femur around the knee, and the four end points of bone around your elbow. Giant Scientific actually had a method like this on it's website for a while now: Tapping the ends of long bones to gain height. The method only was for the femur however and no explanation of why was given.
The table clamp doesn't really work that well for performing joint loading on the forearm bones because there is cartilage connecting those bones and it is usually the cartilage being compressed and not the ends of bones. However, you can use your fingers pretty effectively.
Use your fingers instead of the foot like I used so I could perform it while holding the camera. Here's information on how to perform LSJL on your fingers and toes. This may work for a while until adaptation occurs(the exact mechanism is unknown).
Eventually, you should work up to the clamp for all your bones. Start out clamping for 30 seconds and add 15 seconds every two weeks(or whatever interval you feel comfortable with). Continue until you hit 3 minutes. Remember to flex the surrounding muscles as hard as you can but don't sacrifice clamping intensity to do so. Flexing also helps prevent pain. If you do cardio, weightlifting, or the other methods suggested earlier you can feel comfortable doing a shorter duration as they are anabolic activities and will help you grow taller with LSJL.
If you're short on time try loading every 10 days as that is when neuropeptides return to normal.
im going to try this out, if u want i could email you my results. do you have any or other exercises you would recommend or any supplements? right now im taking a calcium w/ vitamin D pill, glucosamine and chondroitin pill and centrum.
DeleteGreat work so far Tyler! What I'm curious about is if the results you're getting are immediately after you perform the exercises (granted millimeters at best each day), or if these results happen overnight because of chemical signaling from the stem cells into the growth plates?
ReplyDeleteI see you have used your imagination. I like it.
ReplyDeleteDid it want to be able realize like this routine of the LSJL as beginning? With the dumbell doing blows to me in the extremities of the bones?
ReplyDeleteI can't help but feel that I'm not putting the weight on the correct areas. If you could post some closer up images (when you have time) that show the exact areas where the weight should be applied that would be great. Thanks for everything!
ReplyDeleteas for the wrists:
ReplyDeletewouldn't it be also a good idea to apply pressure on the top and bottom of the wrists? by top and bottom i mean the other two sides - on the pictures you apply the dumbbell on the outside and inside.
There's one thing you forgot.
ReplyDeleteEver thought about getting cartilage diseases?
The growth of cartilage is extremely slow (recovery only in months, not days) and by damaging it - it can split of. Normal activities like jogging will expand that split seriously so that this will lead to cartilage diseases you cant cure for 100%. It hurts by every step - forever. Ask your doctor what he thinks about your method and the damage you cause to the cartilage. Do you want to have osteoarthritis when you're in your best years?
Sometimes this height increase thing is dangerous for cartilage (especially the "ankle weight kicks") and i'm not shure if your routine is save enough to prevent yourself from osteoarthritis.
Contact your doctor (at best an orthopaedic specialist) and let us know - if this is really dangerous.
This is not a "against you" message. No, your a nice guy. But it's a serious matter for yourself and those who follow your routine.
Respond to this message here. Thank you.
is there anything you suggest that is more safe?
DeleteGrowth of cartilage is slow because stem cells are needed to generate new cartilage and stem cells are released not from cartilage damage but from bone damage. You're not damaging the cartilage. You're loading the epiphysis of the bone(and a little bit of the cartilage).
ReplyDeleteDoctor: It's hard to find a doctor who's in the know. There's a lot to know about the science of height increase! You can ask a doctor about the routine and see what he thinks. Although he'd have to be pretty informed about bone and I don't want to pay out-of-pocket to find a good bone specialist.
So how long would you hold the dumbbell in place for each area?
ReplyDeleteAre there any supplements you would recommend?
What about exercises?
"(and a little bit of the cartilage)"
ReplyDeleteI hope you don't underestimate the cartilage contact. That's the point that could be the dangerous one - the one that leads to osteoarthritis maybe.
You don't have to pay for a doctors opinion. There are doctors you can mail to, and one of five will give you (known from experience) a free answer. Maybe 3 of 5 would answer if you stimulate their interest by a short interesting email. But this would be even better:
If you want xray pics, then say you fell down the stairs. Now your knee hurts and you're afraid if something serious happened. The doctor does his diagnostic on that picture and if he doesn't find any defects or cartilage damage, then ... you know what's then ;) It's maybe prooven that this procedure is safe, because you already do this for months now.
I'm fascinated by your blog, you see all that stuff from a deeper scientific point of view than sky from easyheight. It would be good (for the most) if you write your LSJL routine with this: 1. What do I need (Tools), 2. Where to place it (what do I have to feel - by seeking - on my fingers, or maybe better a human anatomy picture with marks) 3. How strong to place it (what feeling, what would be "too much" or "not enough") 4. And "how long" 5. Maybe repeats? (The absolute time of the routine) 6. The repeats per weeks or months 7. Additional stuff (supplements, etc.) 8. Your results table. This would be a perfect all-questions covered and interest-stimulating introduction to your blog.
Keep your great work on. I'm always impressed by the self-experimental persons like you. :)
I fell down the stairs and now my knee hurts. The doctor: Well, I don't see anything wrong but I'll send you in for some x-rays.
ReplyDeleteCould work :) The thing I'm worried about is that x-rays show up on the computer now and they don't show them to you. So if there's a subtle change, the doctor may not notice.
I don't know the answers to all those questions. That will all come after proof.
Laterally load your epiphysis for x amount of time(30 seconds to 5 minutes). Tapping is to test the effect of impact microfractures on trabecular bone.
As for cartilage damage: Seems to occur from low impact high duration(marathon running) as stem cells are needed to repair cartilage and marathon running doesn't cause microfractures sufficient to compensate for the wear and tear on cartilage. The other cause seems to be sudden, high impact like MMA and football injuries. It seems if you avoid excessive force or excessive duration you can avoid cartilage damage.
Per request I will post my success thus far:
ReplyDeleteLSJL + Stretching + Swimming or Running 20M - 1H daily [Routine from: ]
Times a week: LSJL, 5x with 60lb weights; Stretching, 5-6 at Night
Duration: LSJL, 30s-2m (I have done both); Stretching, ~40 Minutes over a course of June 19-July 16
Height Change: I can guarantee a height increase of 1/2" since I used a Mythbusters like scale on my wall with a large bathroom mirror right across from me. However due to a discrepancy with the carpet's height right at the wall line and where I am standing (~.125-.25") I can only provide the difference in my starting and current.
I started out against the scale at 5'6.5 and now am up to 5'7 but note the slight error above. I am 20 yrs old and I will post again in approximately 1 Month with hopefully more results. Good luck to you all and this stuff does work if you keep your mind to it.
Hey Tyler, how do you prevent putting strain on your ligaments like your mcl when you do you your knees? I find it pretty hard to avoid since its pretty much covers the side.
ReplyDeleteTyler, can we please get a better photo of the ankle shot? Perhaps you can take one of the inner ankle and circle the area that needs to be targeted.
ReplyDeleteI'm gonna try this too. Been doing it for two days now with 45lb dumbells on my knees, ankles and outer leg, and tapping also. Gonna get a table clamp in the coming days to add to my routine. Actually takes very little time out of my day, which is a plus. Currently 179cm (a good 5'10") wanna make 181cm (a solid 5'11"). Will update with any progress! Daniel.
ReplyDeleteI'd like to update you all on my height etc. a little earlier than when I stated since I will not be measuring myself while I am at college so it will be some months before an update. I would assume December?
ReplyDeleteI'm about the same (5'6 3/4") This is due to me being on vacation for a week, losing some stretching height and regaining some of it back since then. The good news was that I have probably (Speculation at best) put on 1/8"-1/4" of that from LSJL as I did not return my original height. It is a slow process but at least it is a process. Good luck to you all.
I think the number of loads needs to increase as well as the duration. In the study on mouse hind limbs lengthening, the scientists did 5 min bouts at 0.5N. I don't know what the 0.5N means but it seems we should also try to joint load for at least 5 min. In the other study "Joint Loading Modality: Its Application to Bone Formation and Fracture Healing", the scientists wrote about 1000-2000 bouts. I don't think that's practical for humans as we don't have the time, but i think the emphasis is on multiple bouts at a minimum of 5 min each. what do you think? thanks
0.5 Newtons = 0.112 pounds
Deletei guess the load for human should be somewhere manageable and tolerate at the same time "sore.
ReplyDeletei mean you cant be using weights that seriously fracture your bones to that extent. That is certainly not happening to the mice in the it just boils down to the effective duration of LSJL.
hey guys, i'm from germany and i'm astonished about LSJL. But what do you think about the theory to combine LSJL and stretching with iron plates??
ReplyDeleteI am stretching my legs with iron plates, 25 kg per leg and 8-10 hours per day (only on weekend), but this is really hard.
I think that's a great idea to try and incorporate lsjl and stretching w/ leg weights. It may stretch the microfractures and then heal in an extended state, or stretch the affected cartilage. I am not sure, and my success seems to fluctuate w/ lsjl. I am fairly sure I have gained 1/4". I measure at night/day regularly, and try different ways to do lsjl (e.g. more reps, more time, different areas of the epiphysis and days between lsjl). I believe a lot has to do w/ the physiological (chemical) side as well. As tyler said, getting the body in a hypoxic state from exercise and other factors that would aid in getting the stem cells to proliferate/differentiate; etc...I recommend reading this blog thoroughly, there is tons of great/substantiated info.
ReplyDeleteHi Slim, I'm currently doing an experiment to verify lsjl for myself. I'm trying to do it on my left ring finger and recording the progress on my blog:
Deletecould you please check out my loading routine and suggest any improvements if necessary? Also if you could suggest any page that gives a good routine for loading of fingers, I'd really appreciate it!
I've been performing LSJL for months now on my right leg and all I've achieved is visible increase in epiphysis thickness, not length. Im not sure if I should be loading the epiphysis towards the hyaline cartilidge, or more towards the growth plate line?
ReplyDeleteA visible increase in epiphyseal thickness is very good because it means that the stem cells/progenitor cells are differentiating into osteoblasts but we want them to differentiate into chondrocytes. Do you have pictures?
ReplyDeleteDescribe your exact routine and what exactly of your epiphysis are you loading?
hey Tyler,
ReplyDeleteI just sent you the image of the comparison. As for the routine, I am loading the lower epiphysis in the region where the bone protrudes out the most. I am loading the upper part of the epiphysis right where the bone forms a "corner" and begins to taper down into the diaphysis. If I had to guess, I would say I am using well over 120 pounds to load the epiphysis. I vary the loading times from 20 sec to 5 min. Hope this helps.
u guys are god.. i am loading with 16 kg weight and that is already painful.. 120pounds= 60 kg OMG...
ReplyDeletei have been doing for past 8 days..hoping to see result.. guess gotta up the weight to see results
i was wondering what the pain levels are of these routines on a scale of 1-10 ?
ReplyDeleteHey Tyler is there any chance in future you could create a YouTube video of your routine?
ReplyDeleteSeeing your routine from start to finish would on video would be incredibly helpful.
A video on how to preform it will be really helpful. Please and thank you.
ReplyDeleteyes please make a progress chart. im going to start this and catalog my results. as well as find a more perfect leg clamp.
ReplyDeleteWere should the clamp be placed when loading the shoulder or clavicle?
ReplyDeleteYou can't really load the shoulder by yourself. I've done some tapping with the clavicle but haven't really gotten any results from it. The clavicle and shoulder will come once it's been more established that LSJL works. If you want the clavicle and shoulder routine then get cracking with some before and after pics.
ReplyDeleteAlright! I wil be doing LSJL again on the first day of next year.
ReplyDeleteI'll take pics as well.
Has your growth been linear or does in come in spurts?
how is the loading done ?
ReplyDeleteand how long should i performed the table cramp?
is it just cramp it on the epiphysis and leave on
for hours?
tyler wave .. you could put your routine on youtube, do not speak English very well and hardly understand the lyrics of this page. so I think a video could explain better than any words that are written here .. and another thing, there something you can do to make grow the torso?
ReplyDeleteTyler why have you stopped the taps
ReplyDeleteand why would you have a 4 hour break between
tapping and lsjl?
I've stopped the taps because I believe they only activate GSK-3Beta phosphorylation and don't increase hydrostatic pressure. The four hour break was to restore actin cytoskeleton sensitivity.
ReplyDeleteWill I be able to do this routine with only loading?
ReplyDeleteI've been depressed for the last year or so because of my lack of stature.
I'm 15, plates closing in, and standing at 5'1.7. I would do anything to be just 5'6. Please help me..I honestly don't know if I can live my life this way.
Email: in case you want to send me an email there.
Thank you
do swimming freestyle and breastroke, do hanging with a pullup bar, do the towel leg stretch, do the cobra yoga pose, do the inversion table or boots, you should get a good 1 inch from that or 3cm maximum.
Deleteso you can get to max physique, you should be 5'3 from them after 2 years. DO them everyday for a while its worth it, dont over do it, stretching badly is worse than not stretching. Then do lsjl WITH good supplements like a healing amino acid or what tyler has mentioned in his supplement list for growth. BUT! do cardio/ weight training like tyler mentioned, maybe they will get you grow even more with lsjl. Do lsjl with cardio and weights and you should be able to gte another inch so you would be 5'4-5'5. 5'4 1/2 is 164cm and thats good. Good luck
Hey Tyler bit of a late reply, thanks for clearing up why you no longer tap.
ReplyDeleteOne more question when you flex do you hold it for a a long or short period. Eg Many 5 second flexes or longer 20 second flexes?
So Tyler, how much have you grown using this method? I'm looking to increase knee length with this. I also want (although knees are more important) to increase my thighbones as well. How much growth should I expect?
ReplyDeleteWould this be a bad idea if I run/cycle a lot?
Thank you. And awesome descriptions.
Hi Tyler,
ReplyDeleteInspired by your site, I've started my own blog where I'll be posting daily updates and pictures as I perform LSJL on my finger. I've thought of a simple way to make even the slightest gains immediately noticeable and I'm hoping that I get some success in a month or two. I'm going to be using a small 2" C Clamp to apply pressure for 30 seconds in the sideways direction and 30 seconds in the up-down direction. Please visit my blog and give me your thoughts on my procedure. Leave a comment and tell me if I'm doing anything wrong or differently.
btw, my blog is:
Hi Tyler,
ReplyDeleteInspired by your site, I've started my own blog where I'll be posting daily updates with pics showing the results of LSJL on my finger. I've come up with a simple method to make even the slightest change in length immediately visible. I'm marking my finger and photographing it with the scale beside it. I've posted my LSJL routine on the blog. Please visit it at www(dot)lsjltester(dot)wordpress(dot)com
Please point out any modifications I need to make to my routine or any mistakes if I'm making them.
Hi Tyler,
ReplyDeleteCould you have a look at my routine and tell me if it's right? I'm loading my ring finger laterally and sideways just below the joints. I've included pictures in my blog under the entry: "What I'll be doing". Your insights will be greatly appreciated.
Hi Tyler, I still feel that my loading routine for the ring finger is not optimal, can you please point me to a blog or forum where I can find the most optimal routine for loading fingers?
ReplyDeleteHi Tyler, I still feel that my loading routine for the ring finger is not optimal, can you please point me to a blog or forum where I can find the most optimal routine for loading fingers?
ReplyDeleteHow could the tibia lengthen if lsjl is not also performed on the fibula? the two bones are fused together
ReplyDeleteDistraction osteogenesis isn't performed on the fibula. Once we have proof of concept for LSJL we can start working on fibula, spine, etc...
DeleteI know it's not performed on the fibula, and that's the problem. Since the tibia and fibula are fused, how could the lower leg lengthen if lsjl is only applied to one of its bones? If the fibula isn't stimulated, it'll inhibit any tibial elongation
DeleteLooks very promising! Is there an advantage to having the c-clamp under the knee rather than over it? Also can knee loading be performed while the knee is bent or no?
ReplyDeleteDoes loading at the end of the epiphysis like this encourage bone growth more than if it was loaded closer to the diaphysis?
ReplyDeleteHi Tyler, interested in your routine. Saw you had gained 1.5 inches in 2010 but can't find any more progress reports...
ReplyDeleteRoughly how long did it take you to gain that?
make sure you measure yourself before bed as height fluxuates by the amount of sleep you get which varies in the morning/.
ReplyDeleteTyler why have you not continued to grow after the 1 1/2 inches when you have continued the lsjl for a year or 2 after you gained the height? Also I don't know why you are experimenting on fingers for proof. A finger growing does not necessarily prove a leg will grow. the experiment should be on the leg.
ReplyDeleteTaylor i will start this routine from tomorrow but have you increased any height till studying all your scientific research it seems promising..Best of luck mate.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletei find it easier to clamp ankles whilst resting on leg in a kind of crossed position. and clamping the upper tibia starting in same position (the male version of cross legs)because you can get both sides of tibia. Once in place try straighten leg out to just over 90 degree and slight move it and it will build up a lot of pressure. for femur clamp with clamp facing down and push up to emphasis if it slips down. < basically the other way round that Tyler does it.
ReplyDeleteMessage just for everyone to try out or if there having problems.
So should we clamp at the emphasis or synovial joint?
ReplyDeleteit really annoy's me when you have the time to go through all these studies but can't answer any simple questions we don't need a long explanation just a quick answer.
ReplyDeleteEmphasis or synovial joint
The purpose of clamping at the synovial joint is that it's closer to the LSJL studies themselves. However, it is possible that clamping at the epiphysis could be more effective.
DeleteIf you clamp at the synovial joint you still get the epiphysis but at a weaker point.
Right now, I'm testing the synovial joint but I'm not sure.
Ok thank you.
DeleteDo you always clamp the same way and get it most times cause i have to switch round my clamping positions.
ReplyDeleteHas your forearm grown at all
ReplyDeleteWhy don't you try forearms instead of fingers
DeleteHi guys, i am new to LSJL. Just want to check how long will it take to grow 2 inches?
ReplyDeleteFrom what I've seen it would probably take at least a year, but its probably the best option for now.
DeleteDoes it work with a closed growth plate? I am 22, male btw
ReplyDeleteTyler, ive been browsing this website for a week now and i realise u had gained 1.5 inches. Is that true? Correct me if I am wrong, I believe you started this LSLJ routine before you hit your twenties thus there is a likely chance that your growth plates are still open but not in an active state. Does that mean this routine is hopeless for those in their 20s? Btw I am 22, male and I need confidence that this will work. Help please!
ReplyDeleteIm sure he was like 27 and Im not sure how long it actually took him but he now claims 1.75-2 inch
DeleteTyler why don't you try something new like change clamping positions, squats, supplements like niacin. i know you don't think it will do much but grew the most and fastest, so there might be more to it...
ReplyDeleteTyler only ever answers comments when it suits him!
DeleteIs LSJL safe for people who have growth plates that have not closed yet? If it is, how effective is it in terms of height growth for people for people wanting to increase height during puberty.
ReplyDeleteit should be more effective for people with open plates
Delete(Robling et al, 2001). Recovery periods restore mechanosensitivity to dynamically loaded bone.