Height Increase Pages

Monday, October 18, 2010

How R. Venter grew 1/4" with LSJL

R. Venter started Lateral Synovial Joint Loading on July 6, 2010.  His age was 28 and his height was 5'5".  He weight trains 3 times a week which would help by inhibiting myostatin and increasing his GASP-1 levels.  He started out using a 10lbs hammer and loading the ankles and knees for 5 intervals of 20 seconds a piece.  On July 13, 2010 he reported a growth of 2mm.  Starting Week 2 of August he started using the 10" clamp.  He gained another 1 mm on his right leg as of September 1, 2010 and no further gains in his left leg.  As of October 14th, he reported a total growth of 1/4" in his right leg but no further growth beyond the 2 mm in his left.

So in about 3 months R. Venter grew 1/4" but what's interesting is that his left leg did not grow beyond 2mm.

This study here shows the various load pathways involved in LSJL.  LSJL upregulates more genes in the ECM(extracellular matrix) than anything else.  If you look at the growth plates under LSJL you can see the massive amounts of Matrix secreted(the white stuff).  LSJL also increases levels of hyaluronan synthase which has been used as a carrier for BMP-2(which can encourage chondrogenic differentiation).  LSJL also upregulates levels of MMP-3 which is involved in the vascularization and ossification of chondrocytes but also in the formation of cartilage canals.

R. Venter reported that he's always had issues with his left knee possibly due to the fact that his left knee is not secreting extracellular matrix properly.

LSJL can work by multiple mechanisms.  One of the mechanisms could be bone deposition on the subchondral plate resulting in Venter's 2mm gain in his left tibia.  Another could be differentiation of stem cells and periosteal progenitor cells into chondrocytes as a result of TGF-Beta, hydrostatic pressure, and hyaluronan-mediated BMP-2.  These cells then form cartilage canals(thanks to MMP-3) through the perforating fibers of the periosteum, then these cartilage canals turn into new growth plates.  LSJL also inhibits MMP-1 which degrades the extracellular matrix.

The seeming peak that occurs to LSJL could be due to myostatin(inhibited by exercise and other things), telomere length, and DNA Methylation.  Also, cartilage likes hypoxic environments and most adult growth plates are already vascularized.  Exercise increases hypoxia inducible factor-1 which would help cartilage grow.  Also, bone is never completely vascularized allowing some cartilage to grow in the un-vascularized areas.

The diminishing returns of LSJL can also be due to an increase in bone vascularity inhibiting the formation of new cartilage canals.


  1. i don't understand the load used on mouse was much more according to picture and no significant result.And your friend got 1/4" increase by using 10lbs hammer.Correct me if i am wrong.Is this a Scam?.

    Second question is LSJL worth trying or should we just wait for scientists to conclude something.


  2. Richo got a 2mm gain with a 10lbs hammer and then the rest of the 1/4" with a table clamp. Richo also has the ability to generate extra force with his body in addition to the 10lbs hammer which a mouse does not.

    LSJL is worth trying. One of the lead researchers behind LSJL CH Turner passed away so I'm not sure about the status of the next study. Lots of people have reported 1/4" gain or below. You can get a c-class clamp at home depot for about 10$.

  3. so this means 1/4" is maximum we can get by LjSL.Is that true?

  4. No. It just means that this one person has gained 1/4" so far.

  5. You need to find out why gains lessen so fast and fix it. I think it's fixed by performing LSJL for one week then rest 3 weeks and restart.

    This will probably only work if you do it that way from the moment you start LSJL.

  6. With regard to diminishing returns, my mind keeps returning to the compositional change undergone by the hand bones of martial artists who break hard objects with their fists. And I continue to wonder whether that reverses with time.

  7. Jory, haven't seen you on the blog for a while. Have you gotten any further results? Can you elaborate more on compositional change of hand bones of martial artists?

  8. Tyler - Ya, I've had some rather important things capture my attention for the past few months and have been giving the LSJL a rest to hopefully regain efficacy.

    I don't know the details, just saw on some tv program that they are able to break stuff where normal people would break their hands in the attempt, because their bones have hardened as a result of conditioning, i.e. breaking stuff repeatedly, presumably starting with softer/thinner materials. If I find out the biological mechanism I will let you know - of course, you may already have but may not know of that connection.

  9. Unless this has been updated elsewhere, it seems like Richo ended up with one leg that is slightly shorter than the other. Is there a follow up or update to this? Will more perseverance allow the left leg to catch up?

  10. i practice muay thai, and i know that is a fact.. the bones of the fists and lower legs thickens as you keep using them. Its not just losing sensitibility on those areas, otherwise u would brake your hands or legs.. it really gets thicker

    ps.: forgive my writing mistakes, im brazilian so im not very good in english!
