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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Frat and LSJL

LSJL upregulates FRAT.  It was called GBP on the pathway.

Re-evaluating the role of Frat in Wnt-signal transduction.

"Frat proteins are potent activators of canonical Wnt-signal transduction. By binding to GSK3, Frat prevents the phosphorylation and concomitant degradation of beta-catenin and allows the activation of downstream target genes by beta-catenin/TCF complexes[this is consistent to what happens in LSJL]. The identification of the Xenopus Frat homologue GBP as an essential component of the maternal Wnt-pathway during embryonic axis formation suggested that Frat might fulfill a similar role in higher vertebrates. As a result most, if not all, studies addressing Frat function have focused on its ability to bind GSK3 and induce signaling through beta-catenin/TCF. Consequently, Frat has been advocated as the "missing link" that bridged signaling from Dishevelled to GSK3 in the canonical Wnt-pathway. Recent mouse-knockout studies however, call for a reevaluation of the physiological role of Frat. Mice that lack all Frat-family members appear to be normal and display no obvious defects in beta-catenin/TCF signaling."

Mice have Frat3 which is not present in humans.  FRAT1 binds to LRP5.

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