Height Increase Pages

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Is it possible to grow taller by causing the differentiation of chondrocytes in the growth plate?

Previously, we found that chondrocytes had a finite proliferative capacity but new chondrocytes could reform the reserve zone of the growth plate starting height growth over anew.  Lateral Synovial Joint Loading works to induce the differentiation of stem cells in the epiphysis to chondrocytes by means of hydrostatic pressure.

The Role of the Resting Zone in Growth Plate Chondrogenesis 

"In mammals, growth of long bones occurs at the growth plate, a cartilage structure that contains three principal layers: the resting, proliferative, and hypertrophic zones. We removed the proliferative and hypertrophic zones from the rabbit distal ulnar growth plate in vivo, leaving only the resting zone. Within 1 wk, a complete proliferative and hypertrophic zone often regenerated. Next, we manipulated growth plates in vivo to place resting zone cartilage ectopically alongside the proliferative columns. Ectopic resting zone cartilage induced a 90-degree shift in the orientation of nearby proliferative zone chondrocytes and seemed to inhibit their hypertrophic differentiation. Resting zone cartilage makes important contributions to endochondral bone formation at the growth plate: 1) it contains stem-like cells that give rise to clones of proliferative chondrocytes; 2) it produces a growth plate-orienting factor, a morphogen, that directs the alignment of the proliferative clones into columns parallel to the long axis of the bone; and 3) it may also produce a morphogen that inhibits terminal differentiation of nearby proliferative zone chondrocytes{if we could get do like the study and get resting zone cartilage next to the proliferating zone we can ward off senescence and grow for a longer period} and thus may be partially responsible for the organization of the growth plate into distinct zones of proliferation and hypertrophy."

"Chondrocytes in the resting zone are irregularly scattered in a bed of cartilage matrix, whereas chondrocytes in the proliferative and hypertrophic zones are arranged in columns parallel to the long axis of the bone"

"The proliferative chondrocyte that lies uppermost in the chondrocyte column (i.e. closest to the resting zone) is a reasonable candidate for the stem-like cell. When this cell divides, the upper daughter may continue to serve as a stem-like cell, whereas the lower daughter may proliferate further to populate the entire proliferative/hypertrophic column. Resting chondrocytes [may] not participate directly in the growth process"

"the top most cell in the proliferative columns may have a limited ability to divide, and thus the columns may have a limited life span. Resting zone chondrocytes [may be] stem-like cells. These cells divide only occasionally. When they divide, one of the daughter cells might sometimes transform into a proliferative zone chondrocyte and found a new column to replace exhausted proliferative cell columns"

"A stem cell is defined by three properties: 1) it must not be terminally differentiated; 2) it must be able to divide without limit; and 3) when it divides, each daughter can either remain a stem cell, or it can embark on a course leading irreversibly to terminal differentiation. Although the resting zone cells may fulfill the first and third of these properties, they probably do not completely satisfy the second property; the proliferation rate in the growth plate approaches zero as the animal ages. To reflect this issue, we suggest the term: stem-like cells."

"resting zone cartilage produces a GPOF[Growth Plate Orienting Factor] that guides the spatial orientation of proliferative zone chondrocytes."

"The reserve cartilage lies closest to the proliferative zone and contains flattened chondrocytes (foreshortened in the dimension parallel to the long axis of the bone). The reserve chondrocytes are often grouped in pairs and higher multiples aligned parallel to the long axis of the bone. The epiphyseal cartilage lies farther from the proliferative zone and thus closer to the bony epiphysis than the reserve cartilage. The epiphyseal cartilage contains round or elliptical chondrocytes usually scattered individually in the cartilage matrix[these are what we are trying to make with LSJL]."

"The surgical incision was located in the reserve cartilage in 12 growth plates[the proliferative, resting, and hypertrophic cartilage were removed]. In 5 of these distal ulnae, a complete growth plate regenerated, indicated by the presence of all zones of the growth plate[new growth plates are capable of being formed slowly by epiphyseal cartilage], vascular invasion at the metaphyseal edge of the hypertrophic zone, and morphological signs of active osteogenesis in the primary spongiosa"

If you form cartilage in the epiphysis, it can form new growth plates and you can grow taller.  Why haven't you tried LSJL yet?


  1. Well done! Great research and deductions! As you have recommended, I started a diary for my lsjl routine, which will be different than any others. I will update all of you at the lsjl forum. Thanks again to Tyler and those contributing to try and make this a successful hi exercise.

  2. Again, great research and article. Have you made any gains in height recently? I'm aware of your height gain of 1.5 inches, but any updates on that? Also, what is your LSJL routine currently? I'm interested in starting this soon and I'm excited about the possibilities. Thanks.

  3. Great reserch. Does this mean we can create cartilage in fused growth plates by doing LSJL? Aren't fused growth plates completely innactive and calcified after puberty?

  4. You're not creating cartilage in fused growth plates you're creating it in the bone marrow.

    As for growth plates:

    First, the chondrocytes differentiate into bone cells. Then the left over ECM is cleaned up(this can take a while) leaving a growth plate line.

    Nothing to do with the pubertal growth plate. It's causing differentiation of stem cells into chondrocytes to form new plates. If the marrow was fused then we'd have a problem but the epiphysis is full of marrow.

  5. There is one problem - body proportions. LSJL can give you unlimited growth but if you grow your legs by, say, 3 inches, then your body will look very weird. You wrote somewhere that's possible to do LSJL on the spine so why haven't you tried it yet? Some evidence would be much appreciated.

  6. I'm tackling the legs first because that's the easiest. Once there's proof, more resources will be available and it'll be easier to find an easy way to load the spine which has several vertebrae and is hard to access.

  7. Such evidence is not necessary. People don't need any proofs to believe in scams like yoko or grow taller 4 idiots so you don't need it as well.
