Height Increase Pages

Friday, December 3, 2010

LSJL Illustrated: An Introdution to the Height Increase Method

It's important to note that height growth ultimately occurs as a result of cells.  Two cells: chondrocytes and osteoblasts.  Stem cells can differentiate into chondrocytes only needing Type II Collagen and Hydrostatic Pressure.  LSJL generates this hydrostatic pressure via bone deformation(lateral compression).  The fact that endochondral ossification ultimately involves cells is illustrated by how epiphyseal fusion occurs.  The epiphysis can fuse with the diaphysis in some parts of the bone but not in others.  Epiphyseal fusion only occurs after epiphyseal cessation and is really more of a cleaning up of left over extracellular matrix.

LIPUS and PEMF are more expensive alternatives to LSJL.  LJSL can be augmented by taking some supplements.


  1. wow thanks for the laymans explanation, it helps.
    ive been reading uo the studies in this site and get the overview but i was always wondering what stem cells have to do with human height?

    explanation apreciated

    you should find and make a list of all the variouse ways to increase stem cells (if that does indeed increase human height)

  2. have you tried using the magnetic bands on amazon to see if it would induce growth on top of LSJL? How about using weighted ankle weights to use on ankle and knees? Finally, what if you only grow on one side, i would imagine the resulting scoliosis, back pain would be hugely detrimental... Anyway, keep up the good work

  3. Tyler, do you think there is a maximum possible height increase with LSJL?

  4. Yeah Tyler, do u think it's possible to get 2" with this?
    You said u grew 1,5".. is that right?

  5. Interesting question...I guess as long the conditions that make the epiphysis grow (fluid flow, etc.)are kept the bone should continue growing, correct? That would bring a potentially endless growth (of course muscles and tendons have a limit, but remember people grow up to 25cm in LL).

    1. my age is 22 years. as your given ans that lsjl should increase height up to 25cm.
      Can i increase my height with lsjl up to 10cm.
      And how much time it consume.
      Please suggest me.
      Ankitn jain

  6. What?? Who grew 25 cm with LL?? Ure making that up..coudnt be..

  7. ive been doing lsjl on my chin for a few weeks and my left side is actually broadening and from what it feels like its about 0,5 cm broader than the right side, which is probably not growing as fast because im left handed and cant load as well on the other side..

    ive stopped loading the left side to let the right side catch and just want to let you know that lsjl works on the chin as well

    1. Why did you do it on the chin though?

  8. pedroramos,what I said is true.if you search at the internet people suffering from achondroplasia grow even 25cm with LL...

  9. and by LL you mean lateral Loading?

    wonder if theres a better, more efective tightness (sorry about my poor english.. i mean how tight you squeeze the clamp) for the use of the clamp. Whats your thought about this?
    And also, to generate a pizoeletric force is needed a load from both sides at the same time?
    And u anonymous, how are u doing this load with dumbells (weight, time, shape of the dumbell)?
    I know im making lots of questions, but i also know they are of great value to a lot of people that dont get very well how the practical part of the LSJL works!
    Lets share experiences, thats the best way to improve!

  10. if you ment me (the chin loader) I use my thumbs or palms

  11. guys do you also take any supplements? i'm also trying to do LL.

    If one can gain 25cm from LL then good!

  12. I guess he ment limb lenghtening surgery..

  13. hey guys by LL I meant limb lengthening,

  14. This blog needs to have an accompanying forum. Obviously, when discussing and possibly now finding ways to increase bone size and thereby height, there are going to be people interested in shoulder(clavicle) widening, enlarging wrist size, chin, cheekbone and jaw enhancement, etc, . . . Right now these questions/topics get lost in the shuffle and are largely unanswered...which could and is leaving people experimenting on themselves without much training or anatomy knowledge, much less expertise in these types of methods that most doctors are likely not familiar with.

  15. There is a forum now! Right now I'm just focusing on proof rather than individual bones right now.
