Height Increase Pages

Friday, November 12, 2010

Lateral Synovial Joint Loading Illustrated Part I: The Ankles

Here's the LSJL video on how to perform LSJL on your ankles:

For the ankle you probably only need one method.  I'm testing them all.  LSJL works by inhibiting TNF-alpha remember that epiphyseal fusion does not occur by apoptosis but likely by necrosis(by TNF-alpha which is reduced by LSJL) or hypoxia.   LSJL also works by enhancing ECM and by generating hydrostatic pressure which can increase stem cell differentiation into chondrocytes.

The more hydrostatic pressure the better and you shouldn't suffer any inflammation as LSJL reduces inflammatory cytokines like TNF-Alpha and the Interleukins.  Precise location on the epiphysis doesn't matter as long as it's on the epiphysis.    Start out at one minute and then increase or decrease time based on your preference(do you think you'd get more results with longer or shorter time?).


  1. Sandy ( regular visitor )November 13, 2010 at 3:21 AM

    Now this is good yo created video -showing us how to perform.We'll try it soon now.

    How much have you grown after 9th july with it.

  2. Thank you so much for a video. Keep it up!

  3. Thanks for video, Tyler. When i tapping my ankle outside i'm not sure whitch bone epiphysis is under pressing - fibula or tibia. I think i must pressure tibia in order of height increase, because fibula not affect so much to human grow?

  4. Hi Tyler!

    Do we need to do both (use clamp and put pressure with dumbbell) or we can do just one? what's your routine? Do you only do one method?

  5. Also, do you drink any supplements? what are they?

  6. Tyler or anyone else does you clamp have a screw on it?

  7. Tyler you should edit that last line where you state that it doesn't matter where someone loads on the epyphysis, because it sort of does matter.
