Height Increase Pages

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Adult Height Increase with Calcium Phosphate?

In my review of the adult height increase monster formula, Calcarea phos was one of the homeopathic herbs tried by Joey in his attempt to increase height.  Calcarea phos is more commonly known as calcium phosphate.  In our analysis on calcium, we realized that during growth Calcium moderation was important because calcium inhibits parathyroid hormone.  Parathyroid hormone prevents chondrogenic hypertrophy from occurring too soon which maximizes the amount of growth that can occur as a result of chondrocyte proliferation.  Still, calcium and perhaps Calcarea phos(calcium phosphate) can encourage new bone growth to occur beneath the subchondral plate at the longitudinal ends of bones.  How can Calcium Phosphate be used for Adult Height Increase?  Calcium Phosphate is available for sale: Calcium Phosphate 6X Cell Salts 500 Tablets

[Osteogenic activity of porous calcium phosphate ceramics fabricated by rapid prototyping]

"The porous calcium phosphate ceramics was fabricated by rapid prototyping. The bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs) were isolated from bone marrow of Beagle canine, and the 3rd passage BMSCs were seeded onto the porous ceramics. The cell/ceramics composite cultured in osteogenic medium were taken as the experimental group (group A) and the cell/ceramics composite cultured in growth medium were taken as the control group (group B). Meanwhile, the cells seeded on the culture plate were cultured in osteogenic medium or growth medium respectively as positive control (group C) or negative control (group D). After 1, 3, and 7 days of culture, the cell proliferation and osteogenic differentiation on the porous ceramics were evaluated by DNA quantitative analysis, histochemical staining and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity. After DiO fluorescent dye, the cell adhesion, growth, and proliferation on the porous ceramics were also observed by confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM).
DNA quantitative analysis results showed that the number of BMSCs in all groups increased continuously with time. Plateau phase was not obvious in groups A and B, but it was clearly observed in groups C and D. The CLSM observation indicated that the activity of BMSCs was good and the cells spread extensively, showing good adhesion and proliferation on the porous calcium phosphate ceramics prepared by rapid prototyping. ALP quantitative analysis results showed that the stain of cells on the ceramics became deeper and deeper with time in groups A and B, the staining degree in group A were stronger than that in group B. There was no significant difference in the change of the ALP activity among 4 groups at the first 3 days (P > 0.05); the ALP activity increased obviously in 4 groups at 7 days, group A was significantly higher than other groups (P < 0.05) and groups C, D were significantly higher than group D (P < 0.05).
The porous calcium phosphate ceramics has good cytocompatibility and the designed pores are favorable for cell ingrowth. The porous ceramics fabricated by rapid prototyping has prominent osteogenic differentiation activity and can be used as a choice of scaffolds for bone tissue engineering."

Calcium Phosphate plus bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells equals good adhesion and proliferation.

Phosphate and carbonate salts of calcium support robust bone building in osteoporosis.

"Our objective was to test the hypothesis that calcium phosphate would better support anabolic bone building than would calcium carbonate.
This study was a 12-mo, randomized, positive-comparator, 2-arm, single-blind clinical trial in 211 patients treated with teriparatide who consumed <1000 mg phosphorus/d. Participants were randomly assigned to receive, in addition to teriparatide and 1000 IU cholecalciferol, 1800 mg calcium/d as either tricalcium phosphate or calcium carbonate. The primary endpoints were changes in lumbar spine and total hip bone mineral densities (BMDs); secondary endpoints were changes in bone resorption biomarkers and serum and urine calcium and phosphorus concentrations.
In the combined group, the lumbar spine BMD increased by 7.2%, and total hip BMD increased by 2.1% (P < 0.01 for both). However, there was no significant difference between calcium-treatment groups, and there were no significant between-group differences in serum calcium and phosphorus concentrations or in urine calcium concentrations. Bone resorption biomarkers increased in both groups, as expected with teriparatide, but the increases in the 2 calcium groups did not differ significantly.CONCLUSIONS: Tricalcium phosphate and calcium carbonate appear to be approximately equally effective in supporting bone building with a potent anabolic agent; phosphate salt may be preferable in patients with restricted phosphorus intakes."

Calcium Carbonate and Calcium Phosphate may be equally effective at supporting bone growth(technically osteogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells).  The chemical bond between Calcium and Phosphate is not that strong so perhaps talking calcium phosphate is not that much different from taking calcium and phosphorous. 

Calcium phosphates: what is the evidence? 

"A number of different calcium phosphate compounds such as calcium phosphate cements and solid beta-tricalcium phosphate products have been introduced during the last decade. The chemical composition mimics the mineral phase of bone and as a result of this likeness, the materials seem to be remodeled as for normal bone through a cell-mediated process that involves osteoclastic activity. This is a major difference when compared with, for instance, calcium sulphate compounds that after implantation dissolve irrespective of the new bone formation rate. Calcium phosphates are highly biocompatible and in addition, they act as synthetic osteoconductive scaffolds after implantation in bone. When placed adjacent to bone, osteoid is formed directly on the surface of the calcium phosphate with no soft tissue interposed. Remodeling is slow and incomplete, but by adding more and larger pores, like in ultraporous beta-tricalcium phosphate, complete or nearly complete resorption can be achieved. The indications explored so far include filling of metaphyseal fracture voids or bone cysts, a volume expander in conjunction with inductive products, and as a carrier for various growth factors and antibiotics. Calcium phosphate compounds such as calcium phosphate cement and beta-tricalcium phosphate will most certainly be part of the future armamentarium when dealing with fracture treatment. It is reasonable to believe that we have so far only seen the beginning when it comes to clinical applications." 

We know that calcium + phosphate are important to bone but we don't know if calcium and phosphorus together are greater than they ions individually.  

Basic calcium phosphate crystals activate c-fos expression through a Ras/ERK dependent signaling mechanism. 

"Diseases caused by calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate (CPPD) and basic calcium phosphate (BCP) crystals occur frequently in osteoarthritic joints. Both crystals induce mitogenesis, metalloproteinase synthesis and secretion by fibroblasts and chondrocytes, promoting degradation of articular tissue. We investigated the mechanism by which BCP activates the c-fos proto-oncogene, which has been shown to activate various matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs). We demonstrate that BCP crystals induce c-fos expression primarily through a Ras/ERK-dependent signaling mechanism targeting two highly conserved regulatory binding sites, the serum response element (SRE) and the cAMP response element (CRE). These results establish a calcium crystal induced, calcium/calmodulin independent, signaling pathway in which BCP crystals activate Ras/MAPK, which can directly target an SRF-containing transcription factor complex, to induce fibroblasts to secrete metalloproteinases." 

Calcium Phosphate enhances MMP expression.   LSJL also activates c-Fos expression.

"collagenase-1 (MMP1) promoter can be directly regulated by the AP-1 transcriptional activator"<-So inhibiting MMP-1 may inhibit bone growth and may be pro-chondrogenic.

"BCP crystals activate the ERK subfamily of MAPKs, indicating that ERKs are central regulators of BCP signaling to the nucleus"<-some MAPKs are pro-chondrogenic.

"BCP activates c-fos expression primarily by a pathway that is regulated by Ras family members, with p21Ras being the most important regulator,with some contribution from Rho-related pathways Rac and RhoA."

The fact that calcium phosphate is used in bone autografts and that it is able to form crystals in cartilage shows that it's powerful in it's ability to form new bone.  Calcium Phosphate may be able to cause adult height increase due to it's potent bone forming abilities but the best mechanism to induce that is unknown.  During development, too much calcium phosphate may be detrimental to height growth by inducing degradation of hyaline cartilage.


  1. calcium phosphate is the main calcium found in bovine milk. Perhaps this is why certain countries have high average heights, and why xcrunner recommends a large amount of milk in his ghenerate routine?

    ali baba

  2. Hey Tyler,

    Your blog is a God-send. You are one of the few voices of sanity in this crazy world of height increase.

    Am going to be starting your LSJL routine soon, and I will keep you up to date with any results I get.

  3. I noticed that IGH-1 contains Dicalcium Phospahte

    do you think that dicaclium phospate might have the same effect as calciumphospate?

  4. Tyler, do you have a complete list of all the supplements (along with the dosages) that you believe work for adult HI?
