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Thursday, April 14, 2011

Possible Risks of Lateral Synovial Joint Loading

If you look at the study The Role of Dynamic Flexion in Spine Injury you'll see that disc injury does not occur when loads exceed 30% of the disc's peak tolerance.  Discs are made of cartilage.  The point is that cartilage damage mostly occurs during light repetitive loads like marathon running.  Damage to cartilage is not anabolic.  Load to cartilage is anabolic and helps stimulate the genetic expression of the cartilage.  It's damage to bone that is anabolic to cartilage as exemplified by knee microfracture surgery.  Where drilling a hole into a bone in the knee releases stem cells that differentiate into chondrocytes thereby healing the cartilage(there is genetic blocking preventing endochondral ossification occurring from the articular cartilage).

To preserve cartilage health you have to cause enough damage to the bone to release microfractures allowing the cartilage to heal.  Cartilage damage is caused by low repetitive force which doesn't generate bone microfractures or extremely high forces which totally denatures the cartilage.  Cartilage damage is not usually caused by moderate forces with moderate duration like LSJL. 

Lifelong voluntary joint loading increases osteoarthritis in mice housing a deletion mutation in type II procollagen gene, and slightly also in non-transgenic mice 

"Objectives: To investigate the effects of voluntary running on the incidence and severity of osteoarthritis (OA) and associated changes in cartilage matrix and subchondral bone in a transgenic Del1 mouse model for OA. Methods: Del1 mice and their non-transgenic littermate controls were housed from the age of 5–6 weeks to 15 months in individual cages with running wheels. The running activity of each mouse was monitored for the entire 12 month period. Additional Del1 and control mice were housed in individual cages without running wheels. At the end of the experiment the severity of OA was evaluated by light microscopy, and the articular cartilage matrix changes by digital densitometry and quantitative polarised light microscopy.
Results: Lifelong voluntary running increased the incidence and severity of OA significantly in Del1 mice (transgenic runners), and slightly also in non-transgenic runners. Severe OA changes increased from 39% in transgenic non-runners to 90% in transgenic runners (p=0.006) in lateral tibial condyles, and from 24% to 80% (p=0.013) in lateral femoral condyles, respectively. The proteoglycan content of articular cartilage was reduced in transgenic runners in comparison with transgenic non-runners (p=0.0167), but a similar effect was not seen in non-transgenic runners compared with non-transgenic non-runners. No attributable differences were seen in the collagen network of articular cartilage or in the subchondral bone between any of the groups.
Conclusion: The Del1 mutation has earlier been shown to disturb the assembly of the cartilage collagen network and thereby increase the incidence and severity of OA with age. In this study, voluntary running was shown to increase further cartilage damage in the lateral compartments of the knee. This suggests that articular cartilage in Del1 mice is less resistant to physical loading than in control mice. Despite severe OA lesions in the knee joint at the age of 15 months, Del1 mice continued to run voluntarily 2–3 km every night."

Okay, so the issue is that joint loading reduces the proteoglycan content of the articular cartilage.  Chondroitin is a proteoglycan and you can supplement with that.  If the proteoglycan content of the cartilage is being lost at a faster rate than your body can generate it's own supply then supplementing with chondroitin is a good solution.

The main issue with LSJL is it not working.  I have grown 1 1/2" inch with LSJL.  There are two organic comments claiming results with LSJL.  I have received two or so other emails claiming LSJL results.  I have some people who have not gotten results but they also say that they gave up after a week.  It took me a month to find the right way to load the bones to gain height.  Myostatin inhibits cellular proliferation so you may have to increase the load to overcome that and other negative feedback mechanisms.

There are possible ways that LSJL could not work.  Maybe the genetic expression of the hyaline cartilage growth plate line alters so that no further growth occurs after puberty. But we know that mechanical loading can alter genetic expression(mechanotransduction), and H. Yokota plus P. Zhang got results in their rat study.  People are getting results from LSJL.

If you feel pain in your ligaments, then maybe you need to lighten the pressure you use on your joints and epiphysis.  When you first work out, your joints pop a lot but over time they adapt.  Your ligaments will adapt and will learn to relax when you perform LSJL.

You are trying to cause microfractures in the epiphysis of your long bones.  The ends of your bones may feel red or tender.  That is good.  Bone damage is anabolic.  When you feel pain, endorphins are released as well.  Focus on the endorphins rather than the pain.  The pain with the table clamp is not that bad.  Most of the pain occurs when releasing the table clamp rather than tightening it.  And the table clamp feels good increasing fluid flow in the bone.  The ankle for example is kind of hard to do as the end of the fibula doesn't always align to the end of the tibia but if you practice then you can find a place on your ankle where you can get both.

The elbow is hard to only get bone but I'm getting better.  The wrist I think I've got down. You need to focus on the benefits you're getting from doing your knee and then use that positive reinforcement to try to do the more complicated joints.  There is no substitute for practice.

-Osteoarthiritis occurs as a result of a declining proteoglycan content.  Supplement with Chondroitin if you're worried about it.
-Your connective tissue will adapt over time to the demands placed on it due to LSJL.  Things should get easier.
-If you keep practicing your technique will improve allowing you to target more bone(although maybe articular cartilage loading at end of bone is needed) thus also reducing pain and other issues from LSJL.

Can Lateral Synovial Joint Loading cause Deep Vein Thrombosis due to the hydrostatic pressure it induces?  Let's look at the typical cause of DVT which is air travel.

Air travel and the risk of thromboembolism.

"Almost two billion people use commercial aircraft annually. Long-haul flights are taken by over 300 million people. A serious complication of long-distance travel (or prolonged time of flight) is thromboembolism. The real incidence of the problem is difficult to evaluate since there is no consensus about the diagnostic tests or limitation of time after landing connected to the VTE complication. A direct relation between VTE incidence and long-distance flights has been documented[DVT is caused mostly by long term increases in pressure of about 8 hours, far greater than the 30 seconds to 5 minutes that loading for LSJL should be]. The risk for DVT is 3–12% in a long-haul flight. The pathophysiologic changes that increase VTE risk at flight are stasis (sitting in crowded condition), hypoxia in the airplane cabin, and dehydration. Individual risk factors for air travel-related VTE include age over 40 years, gender (female), women who use oral contraceptives, varicose veins in lower limbs, obesity and genetic thrombophilia[All these factors involve sustained pressure not intermittent pressure, you don't have a high body fat percentage for short bursts of time]. Prevention measures include environmental protection such as keeping the pressure inside the airplane cabinet in hypobaric condition, avoiding dehydration and prolonged sitting. For individuals at increased risk, venous blood stasis can be reduced by wearing elastic stockings and prophylactic use of low-molecular-weight heparin."

Why don't people grow taller by traveling on airplanes?  That's atmospheric pressure rather than hydrostatic pressure.


  1. What kind of supplements do you take? I know you also work out so do you take protein shakes and other supplements as well?

  2. i just started and i find it easy to get all bone in the ankles. also the outer knee,but the femur is female dog to get to,its where i want the most gain too.

  3. I don't understand :
    You say and I quote"The main issue with LSJL is it not working". And in the next phrase you say you have grown "I have grown 1 1/4" inch with LSJL".
    Please be so kind and respond to this comment if you find the time. I am a bit confused.
    Thanks in advance
    P.S: I am an avid follower of your blog. Very impressive.

  4. I meant that the main issue with LSJL is not the risks but it not being effective. But I and others results are evidence to the contrary.

  5. What about those with current/previous knee injuries?
    Right now My doctor believes I have what's called "runners knee"
    When I load the hurt knee it substantially increases the pain in my knee.
    Do you believe it is because I am inflamming the tendons/ligaments, or maybe I am pressing on them with too much force?
    The injury knee gives no pain at all.
    Not sure if I should continue LSJL?
    This has been a 6 month injury that hasn't gone away by the way. Mris and X-rays show nothing either.

  6. I do not understand what you meant here: "There are possible ways that LSJL could not work. Maybe the genetic expression of the hyaline cartilage growth plate line alters so that no further growth occurs after puberty. But we know that mechanical loading can alter genetic expression(mechanotransduction), and H. Yokota plus P. Zhang got results in their rat study. People are getting results from LSJL"
    So why is alter genetic expression is good?
    Or maybe I understood something wrong?

  7. If you keep doing LSJL wrong (experimenting) either too much pressure, too little or in the wrong place, will it be detrimental to your capacity to grow?

  8. "To preserve cartilage health you have to cause enough damage to the bone to release microfractures allowing the cartilage to heal." It is very dangerous to do this without supervision. I suggest trying it only under the tutelage of an expert.
