Height Increase Pages

Monday, March 22, 2010

Grow Taller with Lateral Synovial Joint Loading

Lateral Synovial Joint Loading is a very promising method to use for gaining height.  It involves laterally loading the synovial joints(elbows, knees, ankles, wrists, etc.) to longitudinally stretch the bones(distraction).  Epiphyseal distraction(stretching the growth plate) was tried by scientists but was found to only increase the rate of bone growth rather than to increase the final bone length.  Only through fracture was bone length able to be increased.  However, Lateral Synovial Joint Loading(LSJL) stretches the cortical bone in addition to the epiphyseal plate.  LSJL also increases fluid flow within the cortical bone so it's possible for this increased fluid flow to cause expansion within the bone resulting in microcracks within in the bone(quite a stretch I know).

Read the entire LSJL series for proof about how it works especially the mice studies.  Why LSJL is so effective is that putting load in the joint area puts a great deal of torque on the end of the bones providing a longitudinal stretching force on the entire bone.

By putting weight on the area of the colleteral ligaments you are not only stretching the bone by putting a downward force on the end of it(like a see-saw) but you are also providing a stretching force via the collateral ligament.

The elbow is pretty much the same:

See the page on the side about the lateral synovial joint loading routine for details about how to perform LSJL with very basic gym equipment.  You can also do LSJL by putting a dumbell(or having someone else put a dumbell on your collateral ligament area) in this position:

 Do this one leg at a time to do it by yourself.  You can use your hands to place LSJL forces on the ends of the bones and the collateral ligaments. However, you are limited by the intensity you can generate with your hands and the size of your hands versus the size of your bones/joints.

LSJL provides a stretching force on your entire bone however there are two bones in the shin(tibia and fibula) so you need to rotate your leg 180 degrees from the butterfly position and then put a dumbell on your collateral ligament(knee area) in order to get a stretch on both shin bones.

Distraction osteogenesis(limb lengthening) works based on two factors: distraction(stretching the bone) and fracture.  We have both of these forces distraction via LSJL and microfractures via sprinting, tapping, etc.  Sky of easyheight.com states that in order to grow taller we need to stretch these microfractures after causing them.  But, a microfracture cannot be stretched as easily as a normal fracture(given that by definition a microfracture is incomplete).

However, if the microfractures were stretched continuously before they had been healed(i.e. if the bone is in a distracted state) then the bone would heal in a taller state.  Or, if the microfractures were caused while in a distracted state by using sufficient load during LSJL then those microcracks would help the bone maintain some of it's lengthened state.

Remember, that strong bones actually have a greater propensity to microcrack.  So, any bone loading would only help you in your attempt to grow taller.


  1. Interesting find. Hopefully, the duration and magnitude of the weight required to make this technique most effective will soon be uncovered. I will try this method in conjuction with my current "creating microfractures while running and stretching with weights" routine.

  2. I performed the lateral loadings, and I really feel my bones being stretched out.

  3. where can i find the link to the routine?

  4. how much height increase by lsjl..

  5. how much height increase by lsjl..
