Height Increase Pages

Friday, November 13, 2009

For Height don't take Ammonium Chloride?

The Effect of Excessive Acid Feeding on Bone

"The purpose of the present study was to examine the effect of excessive ammonium chloride administration and/or low calcium diet on bone in adult rats."

"Male Sprague-Dawley rats were allowed to grow on regular laboratory diet and tap water to an average weight of 550 g."<-Whether these rats were post growth plate senescence is unclear.

"1. Regular laboratory diet and distilled water.
2. Regular laboratory diet and 2 % NH~Cl.
3. Special low calcium diet and distilled water.
4. Special low calcium diet and 2 % NH~Cl."

"The animals were allowed to consume the diet and the drinking fluid ad lib and were killed after 6 months."

"When compared with the baseline control group, the bones of the experimental animals in all four groups are seen to have grown approximately 0.2 cm in length."<-Group 1 gained the most height.  Group 4 actually gained the second most height so maybe low calcium diet and ammonium chloride have a synergestic effect.

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