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Sunday, February 24, 2008


LSJL upregulates MMP3.

Overgrowth with increased proliferation of fibroblast and matrix metalloproteinase activity related to reduced TIMP1: a newly recognized syndrome?

"We report on a child with prenatal onset of overgrowth associated with thick, excessive wrinkled skin and other abnormalities including cleft palate, Chiari malformation and polymicrogyria. His clinical features do not resemble any of the known reported overgrowth syndromes. Genetic evaluations, including karyotype, oligoarray, methylation-sensitive multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA) for 11p11.2 region, CDKN1C sequencing, GPC3 sequencing and dosage analysis, and HRAS sequencing, have been un-revealing. Immunohistochemistry done on the patient's cultured skin fibroblasts showed normally assembled elastic fibers and normal pattern of chondroitin sulfate deposition with defective deposition of Collagen I fibers. In addition, there were high levels of immuno-detectable metalloproteinase 3 (MMP3) and undetectable tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase 1 (TIMP1){up}. The defective collagen deposition in the fibroblast culture could be reversed by the broad spectrum MMP inhibitor, doxycycline. fibroblasts of this patient have an increased rate of cellular proliferation. We propose that this is a previously unrecognized overgrowth syndrome associated with increased cellular proliferation and defective collagen I deposition due to an imbalance between MMP and TIMP in fibroblasts."

"His birth weight was 4,640 g, length 56.5 cm, and head circumference 38.5 cm (all above 97th centile)."

"patient fibroblasts proliferated faster than normal control counterparts and often formed clusters containing less chondroitin sulfate deposited between individual cells."

It's unclear whether this syndrome induces overgrowth after the neonatal stage.

Since LSJL upregulates MMP3 and TIMP1 perhaps a TIMP1 inhibitor would produce similar overgrowth in the bone.

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